January 15, 2020

Staff at MSL Celebrate as they become Partners


MSL Solution Providers are celebrating after becoming an employee-owned business. Directors, Angela Davies and Mark Fenn have handed over 51% of their combined shareholding to the newly formed ‘MSL Employee Ownership Trust’ (EOT), in order to ensure that its company culture and the status quo are preserved.

Having explored a number of possible succession routes, Angela and Mark decided that employee ownership offered the best outcomes for the business and its staff, enabling it to remain independent and be in control of its own destiny. Crucially, it also allows all employees to have influence over the business and share in its future success.

Angela Davies, Founder and CEO of MSL Solution Providers, comments, ‘We spent a lot of time researching this model of ownership and it seemed like the perfect solution to ensure the status quo, culture, and job security of our employees. I wholeheartedly believe that putting our staff in a position where they can own and influence the business is the best option for ensuring a successful and independent future for MSL.’

All employees have become ‘beneficiaries’ of the EOT, which holds shares on behalf of existing and future staff of MSL Solution Providers, as well as any subsidiary companies that might be established in the future.  Chairing the trust with immediate effect is Andrew Harrison, from Co-ownership Solutions, who advised MSL Solution Providers throughout its transition to the employee ownership model.

Andrew Harrison, from Co-ownership Solutions and Chair of MSL Solution Providers’ EOT, comments, ‘I passionately believe that employee ownership and worker co-operative models provide a better and fairer way of doing business, whilst bringing mutual benefits for both staff and owners. It has been a pleasure helping MSL Solution Providers develop this model for its business and I am thrilled to be chair of its EOT. I look forward to seeing the company thrive under its new ownership.’

The staff has since enjoyed an evening at the Hearth of the Ram and an evening of ‘food sorcery’ to celebrate becoming partners of their company.

Staff at MSL Celebrate as they become Partners